Tongue Twisters – Piccolo Mini

Piccolo Mini, piccolo minipiccolo mini, picolo mini piccolo, mini piccolomini piccolo mini piccolo mini piccolo mini piccolomini piccolo mini! How did you go with that!   “Piccolo” is an Italian word and “mini” is Latin.  The song is...

Singing September Day 19-23

Day 19. Staccato means to play or sing short and spikey. Let’s have a go and see if there are some actions that help us to do that. September… It’s my 30 day challenge all to do with Singing!SINGING SEPTEMBER!There’s no month like it because it...

Singing September Day 18-23

Day 18. Mozzie Fly warm up – Shoo mozzie. It’s nearly that season again here in Australia so I thought this would be a great warm up for us today. September… It’s my 30 day challenge all to do with Singing!SINGING SEPTEMBER!There’s no...

Singing September Day 17-23

Day 17. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper Where’s the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked. A really well-known tongue twister set to music. The focus for...