Ages 8-15
Are you looking for individual singing lessons for your child?
Our Online Vocal Confidence singing lessons help your superstar to become more confident with their own voice.
We specialise in helping singers work towards goals such as auditions, performances, school performances or special events.
We also work with young people with additional needs. We can work towards specific learning goals such as speech development, language development and breathing.
In each singing lesson your child will:
- Be directed through simple body warm ups
- Sing basic vocal exercises and work on specific parts of the voice that need work
- These are often disguised as game songs and rounds with a focus on how the body can help the voice
- Apply what has been learnt in the warm ups to a song. We work on songs for a few weeks ironing out any vocal challenges as we progress
- Use their bodies to help them sing in our kinaesthetic approach to learning
Advantages of our lessons
We start with what your child CAN do and work with that as a starting point for an individualised program
Zoom Classes
Your child will LOVE online. It’s their happy place where they feel comfortable in their own surroundings.
Personalised Feedback
Video message after each lesson to give students feedback and quick tasks to work on
Additional Learning
Access to our ‘Vocal Technique’ videos to learn some singing tips and tricks straight away.
Sue is a fabulous teacher and role model. She understands how important moments like these are and did everything she could to make it a success.