Singing September Day 19

Buttons – NEW song alert! Original composition 3/4 time – 3 beats – waltz – guessing game Buttons are made from all sorts of things Round ones and brown ones and spiky and thin Which one’s your favourite, I think I should guess I think...

Singing September Day 18

Black Socks – Black Socks, they never get dirty The more that you wear them, the stronger they get. Sometimes, i think i should wash them, But then a voice says to me, Dont do it yet… Not yet, not yet, not yet September… It’s my 30 day challenge all...

Singing September Day 17

ABCeez – ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UV double U and X Y Zed Zed Zed (or Zee Zee Zee) September… It’s my 30 day challenge all to do with Singing! SINGING SEPTEMBER! There’s no month like it because it starts with the letter S! These warm ups can...

Singing September Day 16

The Owl – A face like a dish and nose like a witch,And eyes that are watching me,He eats lots of mice with a serving of rice,Flies and flies over me! September… It’s my 30 day challenge all to do with Singing! SINGING SEPTEMBER! There’s no...

Singing September Day 15

Who Stole My Chicken and My Hen – Who stole my chicken and my hen Who stole my chicken and my hen Who stole my chicken Who stole my hen Who stole my chicken and my hen September… It’s my 30 day challenge all to do with Singing! SINGING SEPTEMBER!...